

🌟 Featured projects

Check README in each repo for insights. See more at

📞 Simple Zoom - A video call web app

What to see:
  • Support multiple attendants, link sharing
  • Support media controls and multiple media input sources

🚀 Spacestagram - A curated list of Mars Rover Photo

What to see:
  • Minimal working app React, Next.js severless functions, and Firestore database.
  • Clean project structure

🎨 Personal blog - A Gutenberg-inspired blog

What to see:
  • React, Sanity Headless CMS
  • Subtle animations and transitions with Framer Motion

VAS Blog - Page for VAS marketing activities and blogs

What to see:
  • React, Prismic Headless CMS, and live update (with SWR)
  • Dual-language content

🍿 Animovies - A movie database

What to see:
  • Customizable site's color theme and stunning UI

🛒 Nodeflix - A store for renting movies

What to see:
  • Authentication and authorization (admin & user role) with JSON Web Token.
  • Shopping cart and wishlist with MongoDB

🚧 On-going projects

🍿 seneca-course-reivews- Share learning experiences

Repo: Private

🍿 rent-near-me - Airbnb system for renting houses